Saturday, March 13, 2010


Well Hurlee and I have had a fun morning and afternoon. During his nap I took the plunge and assembled his Baby Einstein exersaucer. He is still a little too small for it, but he looks adorable in it. He can reach the bottom with his tippy toes and loves trying to eat the orange sun/flower thing. He hasn't quite figured out how to play with anything on it yet, but I can tell he likes the change of scenery. After his "morning workout" we went to lunch with his Grandpa and had a great time. Although teething, he's been a sweetheart. Can't wait for Shawn to come home and admire my handywork on the exersaucer.

My little man is also so incredibly close to rolling over!! He can comfortably roll over onto his
side. It's just a matter of time til he is a fully executing rolling machine. Aside from that, no real new tricks. He is giggling like a mad man lately which is ADDDDOOORRABBLLEE. I like to tickle his little chest and he thinks it's hilarious.

The Jones apartment is also looking a little different these days, aside from the abundance of baby things, we have a couple new additions - a coffee table, entertainment center and two end tables (all matching!). Since Shawn and I first got married he's been wanting a coffee table but either our apartment or bank account was too small but we finally did it. HURRAY! Pictures to come :)

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